Friday Night Special

08-16-2024 17:45

1 Registered

07-21-2024 15:48
08-16-2024 17:45
B - Brisk
Sunrise 6:14:11 AM Sunset 8:18:06 PM
Ride Leader(s):
George Bentley

Get me there
Bald Eagle Lake Recreation Area
5725 Hugo Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55110

Registration is not open

Social Gathering Before/After

Leaving from Bald Eagle Recreation area parking lot and head out to Washington County. Short break at Big Marine Park Reserve, optional.

Starting August 16 we will start the ride at 5:45 p.m. to accommodate earlier sunset times.

 We will hope to have a leader and sweep on each ride.

Routes may vary weekly. 

Please download your GPS navigation to your device.

Please check calendar and Forum in event of rain for cancellations.

Call George Bentley - 651-269-0542 for any questions .

Join us for food and beverages after the ride TBD !

Consider wearing high viz wear and lights always.

You must be a TCBC member to ride unless this is 1st ride then preregister as a guest. 
